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12/08/2022 - Trish Nettleship, Chief Marketing Officer at Brightree, wrote an article for HME Business.
HME providers can collect an infinite pool of data, but they need tools that let them identify trends and see how to improve care.
In today’s rapidly shifting healthcare ecosystem, it’s easy to feel inundated with data. In fact, a recent report states that from 2010-2020, the amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed in the world increased from 1.2 trillion gigabytes to 59 trillion gigabytes, an almost 5,000 percent growth.
08/17/2022 - Mike Lorenz, vice president of Resupply for Brightree met with HME Business to discuss labor problems providers are facing when it comes to resupply and the services Brightree has developed to help solve for these issues.
Labor shortages are impacting all corners of the HME industry, and that includes resupply. Regardless of disease state, providers are having a tough time recruiting, training, and retaining staff that will carry out the various patient contacts required to ensure patients stay current with their therapy. Watch the interview to hear how LiveCall can help providers reach their maximum resupply impact.
08/17/2022 - In the latest episode of the HME Business Podcast, Mike Lorenz, vice president of Resupply at HME software company Brightree, joins the podcast to talk about how far systems for automating resupply have come, the results they’ve achieved, and how providers can implement these tools into their businesses.
07/05/2022 - Matt Mellott, President and CEO of Brightree and Gina Pervall, MD, Chief, Medical Advisory Board at the Maryland Department of Transportation, will now serve on the Board of Directors.
06/01/2022 - Mike Lorenz is the vice president of resupply software for HME article in HME Business
"When it comes to resupplying HME and other medical equipment, making the process as seamless and personalized as possible for patients should be a top priority."
05/23/2022 - James Yi, Director of Product Management, was recently interviewed on the HME Business podcast to talk about patient engagement.
"The world of HME is all about patient relationships — putting the patient front and center in the process. Maintaining patient relationships and maximizing patient engagement results in improved compliance and increased referrals."
05/05/2022 - Article from HMENews featuring Nick Knowlton, Vice President, Business Development for Brightree
“Health care interoperability is essential for smooth transitions of care, ensuring that both treatment and reimbursement needs are met in a timely manner,” said Nick Knowlton, vice president of business development at Peachtree Corners, Ga.-based Brightree. “While the post-acute space, in general, and the HME world, in particular, have seen a slow adoption process compared to other care settings, this is rapidly changing.”
04/07/2022 - The post-acute software company has added more than a dozen workflow enhancements designed for home infusion pharmacy organizations to its Business Management Solution for Pharmacy.
04/06/2022 - Other healthcare industries have made incredible efficiency gains thanks to eprescription. Now this game-changing technology is making strides in post-acute care, and that includes HME. How do providers leverage its benefits?
03/29/2022 - Healthcare today article referencing Nick Knowlton, Vice President Strategic Initiatives at ResMed
08/05/2020 - With an estimated 60% of DME patients walking out the door without making any sort of a payment, Jennifer Leon says it’s time for a shift in thinking.
“We have to change the mindset,” said Leon, vice president of patient collections for Brightree, during a session for VGM’s Heartland at Home Conference in June. “We are no longer going to bill and chase; we are going to collect at the time of service.”
Brightree provide solutions to post-acute care providers (HME, DME & pharmacy home infusion).
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