Automated resupply systems have the potential to drive your revenue higher and increase patient retention - so why wait?

With Brightree ReSupply, you’re able to design patient-centered digital avenues for order generation, documentation, and billing that use software automations to take the heavy lifting off of your staff’s shoulders.

When patients can easily place and receive resupply orders using digital platforms, you spend less time managing manual processes and multiple to-do lists – and more time providing patient care. By reducing employee touches and allowing sophisticated software to identify and complete resupply tasks, you’re able to:

  • Let people work with patients while software handles the data
  • Complete more orders, more frequently for increased revenue
  • Help ensure accurate documentation and maintain compliance
business owner in warehouse

 Watch how one of our customers increased items per order by 42% and revenue by 46% using our ReSupply solution.

Brightree Connect and SNAP

offer multi-channel engagement and workflow automation software that is continually enhanced for more benefits.

Patient-centered live calling

services offer a personalized experience and optimized results – for some 500,000 patients and growing.

Order Processing

automates services and support efficiencies, including verifying insurance eligibility and reviewing orders for accuracy.

Data and analytics

give you simple and scalable data for actionable insights into your business performance.

Why automate resupply with Brightree?

  • Generate, verify, and send orders without manual entry
  • Establish thoughtful, proactive automated communication with patients
  • Meet modern patient expectations with digital ordering options
  • Remove bottlenecks and reduce errors completing complex documentation

Brightree Connect

Our original lower-touch resupply solution, Connect helps you establish a digital workflow that automatically identifies patients that are eligible for resupply, guides them through an automated ordering process, and verifies accurate insurance and billing information. This solution encompasses multiple disease states and allows your team to manually manage documents if desired.


For HME businesses ready to scale their operations to meet larger goals, SNAP dramatically reduces employee touches with advanced software processes that monitor orders, performance, and patient eligibility in real-time. If you’re looking to ramp up your resupply profitability for a growing patient base, SNAP allows you to meet objectives without hiring more staff.

ReSupply LiveCall

Stay fully connected with live inbound and outbound patient outreach from dedicated, knowledgeable agents who act as an extension of your staff. Brightree’s LiveCall representatives are experienced industry professionals who can offer personalized guidance for patients looking for that real-time, real-person interaction.

ReSupply Order Processing

Securely store and access insurance verifications, CMNs, prior authorizations, payer requirements, and more. Our Order processing service offers live support plus automated workflows that help you keep your electronic records organized and easily accessible whenever you need them.

ReSupply Analytics dashboards

Brightree Advanced Analytics identifies and assess key performance indicators for your resupply program. This comprehensive platform analyzes your program metrics against industry benchmarks, eliminating the need to manually run reports and track data. We’re here to help you define data trends and shape better outcomes for your revenue, your patients, and your business.

Multiple modalities for your patients

Brightree ReSupply is a fully integrated, turnkey solution that includes customizable features to help you manage multiple aspects of patient care.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Advanced voice recognition software makes no-touch resupply simple and seamless for your patients. Patients who prefer to connect over the phone can place orders, make payments, and keep their treatment on track without employee involvement.

Guided calling

Our payer-compliant guided calling scripts allow your staff to manage and direct patient calls with maximum efficiency. Often a combination of IVR and live calling, these custom communication workflows make sure each patient can easily access the information they need.


For patients who prefer electronic communication, e-mail sparks a significant percentage of orders each month. With our e-mail solution, your patients receive automated and personalized messages to help them manage their health with on-time resupply orders.

Mobile app

Give patients 24/7 access to their resupply information with a mobile app that provides secure, intuitive communication options. Connect with patients wherever they are and instill trust in your program through consistent notifications and updates.

Online portal

Using a brandable, web-based patient portal empowers patients to take an active role in their treatment, giving them anytime access to their resupply schedule, treatment plan, and billing information.

Scheduled order

For patients who prefer to “set it and forget it,” scheduled ordering gives them the power to request and receive orders on a regular cycle. Combined with Brightree AutoPAY, this solution helps keep both patients’ health and payments on track.

"With Brightree ReSupply, our people easily navigate the system to deliver the greatest patient care and outcomes - and that's number one for us."
Josh Marx, Managing Director, Sleep & Vice President, Business Development at Medical Service Company
“One of the ways that we've seen ReSupply Connect impact our business is that we've seen a growth in the billing per order. Our orders have gone from, say, double-digit, 50, 75 dollars, to triple-digit, 150, 200 dollars per order.”
Matt Ford, COO Sail Healthcare
“Brightree increased our revenue by optimizing our CPAP resupply program. They partnered with us to proactively find new resupply opportunities and achieve a much higher success rate, better patient interactions, and a quicker and more efficient revenue stream.”
Patty Mastandrea, CEO, Medcare Equipment Company
“With Brightree, we found that our average revenue per order is up about 50%.”
Andy Miller, President, Total Home Health
“We are dealing with industry-wide issues that are putting our HME businesses at risk and forcing us to find ways to survive the challenges we face. Our patient goals come first, and a solution like this handles the burden of resupply management so we can do what we do best. That is, focus on our patients’ care.”
James Crim, Area Operations Manager, Medical Services of America
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